600 kilometers travelled and over $25,000 raised – A recap on DKI-CRCS’s Pedaling for a Purpose Ride 

May 28, 2024

By Madison Eldridge ∙ Posted May 28, 2024

DKI-CRCS proudly raised $27,950 for Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC), beating our fundraising goal by nearly $3,000. 

The money raised from our charity bike ride is in support of DKI Canada’s second annual “Bringing Families Home” Campaign. 

As a National Mission Partner with RMHC, DKI Canada’s campaign strives to help families facing medical hardship stay close to their loved ones seeking treatment in hospitals. 

A group of DKI-CRCS friends and family gather outside in front of their building on a sunny day. The five riders stand in the middle, holding their bikes and loved ones surround them as they prepare to ride 600 kilometers for their charity bike ride, Pedaling for a Purpose.

Through Pedaling for a Purpose, DKI-CRCS hopes to provide comfort and support to families in need. 

The Ride – Day One

Kyle, Matt, Ryan, Tom and Tim rode 600 kilometers from May 2-6. Their ride started at the DKI-CRCS headquarters where family and friends saw them off as the team embarked on their four-day adventure. 

Tim Martin said it was a great way to start the ride.  

“It was a stunning day,” he said. “There was this great feeling of community and teamwork for the journey we were going on.” 

After riding over 160 kilometers, day one came to an end and the group settled in for the night in a hotel in Belleville. 

Four men from our DKI-CRCS Pedaling for a Purpose team ride their bikes in a single file line on the side of the road with the road ahead visible and the four men wearing blue matching riding vests.

Day Two

On what was another sunny day, the five travelled over 130 kilometers from Belleville to Gananoque.  

Each day, the team was met with encouragement. Members of DKI Canada came to support the five men along their route as many were on their way to DKI’s annual general meeting. 

Ryan Douglas said it felt flattering to see DKI members show their support throughout the charity ride.  

“It was cool having people go out of their way to cheer us on instead of hustling to Montreal because there are way more exciting things to do in Montreal than watch five guys on their bikes,” Douglas said. 

Martin said the support shown was amazing. 

“When we were riding, it felt like we were riding for everyone,” Martin said. “The encouragement was out of this world.” 

Day Three

By the end of day three, they made it to Cornwall, adding almost 150 kilometers to their journey. The five shared many conversations and enjoyed what Martin described as another beautiful day. 

Douglas said the group lucked out with the weather as they had sunny days and tailwinds – perfect for riding. That luck ended on day four. 

Four men from DKI-CRCS ride their bikes, for their charity ride, Pedaling for a purpose by the side of the road on a grey, rainy day. The men ride towards the camera where cars are visible on both sides of the men.

Day Four

On May 6, the final day, our team completed over 130 kilometers, ending their ride in Montreal but not without a challenge. The morning started with a light sprinkle as the five ate breakfast and prepared to set out for the last time. As they continued to ride, the rain only came down harder. 

Soaking wet and shivering from the cold, the team tried to pedal through it, and then came a flat tire. 

“Of course on the day it rains, we get a flat tire,” Martin said. “We knew going into it there was a possibility of having a bad day, but it was all worth the journey in the end.” 

As the five rolled into L’Hôtel Bonaventure, they were met by colleagues and loved ones who gathered to celebrate. 

“When we were finishing the last day, we were soaking wet, freezing, a little hungry, and all you’re thinking about is taking a shower and maybe a hot tub,” Douglas said. “Seeing the people waiting for us and holding signs made me feel less wet, less cold. It was awesome.” 

Thank you

We would like to thank everyone who followed, supported and donated to our journey. 

DKI Canada’s “Bringing Families Home” campaign ends Dec. 31. If you would like to help create a home away from home for families with children seeking medical treatment, visit this link to donate. 

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